Exploring Everyday Streets

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Agustina Martire
is Senior Lecturer in Architecture at Queen’s
University Belfast. She specialises in the study of everyday streets and their fabric, histories and experiences. She is especially interested in
the way people experience the built environment, and how design can enable a more inclusive and just urban space. She has worked in schools
of architecture in Buenos Aires, Delft, Dublin and Belfast and collaborates with a range of government and non-government organisations.
Jane Clossick
is an urbanist, Senior Lecturer in Architecture, course
leader for MA Architecture, Cities and Urbanism and studio leader for the Cities Unit in MArch Architecture at the School of Art, Architecture
and Design at London Metropolitan University.
Gene Bawden
is Associate Professor and Head of Design at Monash University, Faculty of Art Design and Architecture, and co-director of XYX Lab. As a team of researchers, the XYX Lab unites bespoke co-design processes with scholarly research with the aim of mitigating gender inequality in urban spaces.
Bedour Braker
is an Egyptian researcher based in Germany. She
embraces a political approach in her research, questioning the societal means of reclaiming public spaces as a necessity to reactivate democracy. In addition to her research, Braker has also been part of the Jan Braker Architekt team in Hamburg since 2013.
Matthew Carmona
is Professor of Planning and Urban Design at The
Bartlett, UCL. He is an architect/planner with research focused on urban design governance, the design and management of public space, and the value of urban design. He chairs the Place Alliance, which campaigns for place quality in England. https://matthew-carmona.com.
Miriam Delaney
is an architect, lecturer and PhD candidate at the Dublin School of Architecture, TUDublin. She was part of the Free Market team which represented Ireland at the 2018 Venice Architecture Biennale and works as a consultant for community-led rural town regeneration projects.
Orfina Fatigato
is Associate Professor of Architecture at DiARC
University Federico II of Naples and Laboratoire ACS, ENSA Paris Malaquais. She studies the urban regeneration project as an adaptive process system, and social housing and intermediary spaces in contemporary cities. She is a member of the Research team ‘Short-term City’ (www.stcity.it), which looks at the effects of tourism on Italian cities.
Nicole Kalms
is Associate Professor in the Department of Design and founding director of the Monash University XYX Lab, which leads national and international research in Gender and Place. Dr Kalms is author of Hypersexual City: The provocation of soft-core urbanism (Routledge 2017).
Sigrid Kroismayr
is Senior Researcher at the Institute for Multilevel
Governance and Development at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, and Lecturer at the University of
Innsbruck and the University of Applied Sciences Vienna. She is editor of the journal Sozialwissenschaftliche Rundschau. Her main fields of work are urban district research, rural development and qualitative methods.
Project Name
David Littlefield is Senior Lecturer at the University of Westminster,London, where he leads the Masters programme in Interior Architecture.David’s research focuses on place, architectural ‘voice’ and therepresentation of historic surfaces through time. He has written widelyon subjects ranging from transgression to urban regeneration.
Aisling Madden
gained her Masters of Architecture from Queen’s University Belfast in 2020. During her two years of study, Aisling was in the StreetSpace studio with Dr Agustina Martire and Pat Wheeler, developing ethnographic methods to analyse the historical urban fabric of Belfast. Aisling now works in Studio Idir.
Gill Matthewson
’s research focus is on connecting research with
making a real difference in the daily lives of women: for those using public space with her XYX Lab work and in the lives and careers of women in the built environment professions with the activist collective, Parlour.
Andreas Novy
is a socioeconomist, Associate Professor and Head of
the Institute for Multi-Level Governance and Development at Vienna University of Economics and Business. He is president of the International Karl Polanyi Society and a member of the Foundational Economy Collective.
Anna Skoura
is an urban heritage researcher, holding an MEng in Civil
Engineering, an MSc in Conservation of Monuments and Sites, and a PhD in Architecture. Her research combines methods from architecture, heritage and the social sciences. She has worked in conservation and architecture in Belgium and Northern Ireland.
Antje Steinmuller
is Associate Professor at California College of the Arts, where she co-directs the Urban Works Agency research lab. Her research is focused on new typologies of urban commons, new forms of collective living, and the agency of design at the intersection of citizen led and city-regulated processes.
Birgit Hausleitner
is an architect and urbanist, lecturer and researcher
in the Urban Design section in the Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology.
Her research comprises work on urban diversity and mixed-use cities, focusing on the multi-scalar and configurational aspects of urban conditions that facilitate, introduce or improve combinations of living and working.
Deepti Adlakha
is Lecturer in Planning at Queen’s UniversityBelfast. She is an interdisciplinary scientist with a varied educationalbackground including degrees in architecture, urban design and publichealth.
Jess Berry
is Senior Lecturer and Researcher at Monash University XYX Lab. Her research explores how gender identities are articulated and mediated through, and by, spatial practices. She is co-editor of Contentious Cities: Design and the gendered production of space (Routledge 2021) and author of Cinematic Style: Fashion, architecture and interior
design on film (Bloomsbury 2022).
Kate Buckley
lectures in visual culture at the National College of Art and Design (NCAD) and in history & theory of architecture at Cork Centre for Architectural Education (UCC/CCAE) at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. With a BSc (Hons) in Architecture and an MA in Design History and Material Culture, her research and teaching intersect the two, currently focusing on streets, design activism and urban dissent.
James Davis
James Davis is Professor in Medieval History at Queen’s University Belfast, and he specialises in the urban, economic and cultural history of late medieval England. His publications include the monograph Medieval Market Morality (Cambridge University Press 2012) and his current project, funded by the British Academy, examines medieval
street life.
Christopher Falliers
is partner/founder of ideal x design (2015–), u l a design (1999–), and Associate Professor of Architecture at California
College of the Arts, San Francisco (2004–). His practice engages in architecture, public art design, urban research, temporary urban/community engagements, and environmental awareness and advocacy through creative practices.
Elen Flügge
is a sonic researcher, writer and performer focusing on personal and urban sonic experience. With a background in philosophy and sound studies, she has published about sound art and listening scores Everyday streets scores. Her practice includes violin and vocal performance, site-specific installation and soundwalking. She completed her PhD ‘Listening Practices for Urban Sound Space in Belfast’ at SARC.
Thomas-Bernard Kenniff
is Professor at the École de design, Université
du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), where he teaches design studio, theory and criticism, and research by design. His work addresses the relationship between the built environment, design processes
and society with a specific interest in public space and municipal architecture. He is the cofounder of the Bureau d’étude de pratiques indisciplinées (BéPI).
Carole Lévesque
's work explores the representation and practices of
urban space and architecture. Through drawing and various modes of representation, her research investigates the processes of abandonment
and renewal. Co-founder of the Bureau d’étude de pratiques indisciplinées (BéPI), she is a full-professor and director of the École de design, UQAM, where she teaches studio, theory and criticism as well as research by design methods.
Orla Murphy
is an architect and Lecturer at University College Dublin. Her research focuses on towns, and engaged practice that considers
their resilience and future(s). She is co-director of the UCD Centre for Irish Towns and a member of the High Level Round Table of the New European Bauhaus.
Maria Luna Nobile
is Associate Professor in Architectural and Urban
Design at Umeå University, Sweden. A PhD architect in the same field, her research focuses on the design of the contemporary city, with special attention to local urban regeneration policies, interdisciplinary and innovative practices between art and architecture, and the urban
Manuel João Ramos
is Associate Professor of Anthropology and
researcher at the Centre of International Studies of the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL), Portugal. He conducts fieldwork research in Northern Ethiopia and in Portugal, and investigates urban touristification, street life, and migratory flows.
Rebecca Smink
graduated with a Masters in Urbanism from Delft
University of Technology in 2020. During her years of study, designing for people was her key motivator, aiming to develop a deeper understanding of the impact of urban planning and design on socio-spatial processes. Rebecca now works at BURA urbanism Amsterdam.
Mae-Ling Stuyt
graduated with a Masters in Urbanism from Delft
University of Technology in 2020. She aims to create places that enable and balance the diverse lives of people in cities, while leaving room for flexibility in the future. Since graduating she has been working on several inner-city transformation projects at Urhahn Urban Design and
Timothy Waddell
is a PhD candidate at Queen’s University Belfast,
investigating improvisation in architectural practice. Adjacent to this research is an interest in the social relations that particular streetscapes enable or restrict.